
Free movement ends in 50 days

12th November 2020 | Ian Anfield

Hudson gives you the lowdown on what to do after the Brexit transition period to secure your labour supply

Brexit becomes a business reality in just 50 days’ time with the end of free movement of people between the UK and the European Union. To help construction companies and their subcontractors stay on the right side of the law, Hudson is setting out in clear and simple terms what the changes mean for them.


Please be assured, for EU nationals already working here there is no immediate change, they can return to the UK after Christmas to live and work as they have done before.

EU or EEA nationals residing in the UK before 31st December 2020 have until 30th June 2021 to apply for settled status. They can do this using the online GOV.UK service. In the meantime, they can continue to live and work here - and be paid under CIS. Failure to apply for settled status will result in these permissions being withdrawn at the end of June.

From 1st January, companies must check that operatives are able to present a UK National Insurance number, a Unique Taxpayer Reference number (UTR) and photographic ID demonstrating these credentials belong to them. Alternatively, they can provide a UK or ROI passport. If they are not a UK national and do not have an NI and UTR number they must prove they have either Settled or Pre-Settled Status.

Foreign nationals from outside the EU and EEA without an NI or UTR number must provide a passport and visa. Please contact us for further details before operatives in this group start work.

Ian Anfield, managing director of Hudson Contract, said: “To keep clients informed we are taking advice from specialist immigration lawyers, watching the Brexit negotiations and engaging with Government via the National Federation of Builders.

“If any companies or their subcontractors have questions, they should get in touch with Hudson as the market leader for all employment and tax-related compliance issues in the UK construction industry.

“This week we wrote to all clients outlining the changes with the end to the transition period and making it clear that for EU nationals already working here there is no immediate change.”

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